Raymond Chu & Lily Cheng
Raymond Chu and Lily Cheng have won as Champions in both Asia Championship and China Championship in 2011 and 2014 respectively. They have represented Asia and China to participate in the World Championship in Buenos Aires and were Finalists in both years, in one of which they ranked top 4 in the semi-final among over 400 professional couples from all over the world. They are an inspirational reference for the new generations of dancers, widely recognized for their elegance and essence of tango in their dance.
Raymond and Lily have started dancing Argentine tango since 2003. They learnt from well-respected tango masters in Buenos Aires when they go to Buenos Aires nearly every year. They have started teaching and founded OTROTango in 2006. Over the years, Lily and Raymond have provided exceptional training to hundreds of argentine tango students and international tangueros, their students have won with top rankings in China Championship. They have travelled around the world to teach workshops and perform in Seoul, Taipei, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Bali, Singapore, Beijing, Brunei and Istanbul etc. They have also been invited to perform in some of the prestigious milongas, such as Salon Canning, Sunderland and La Baldosa in the mecca of tango, Buenos Aires. Their choreography works were also widely recognized, and they were invited to make choreographies for some of the top dancers in Asia.
Raymond Chu & Lily Cheng
Raymond及Lily (朱永康及鄭勵)是2011年世界探戈大賽亞洲區分賽冠軍 (沙龍探戈組),曾於2011年阿根廷世界探戈大賽中準決賽排名第四並晉身總決賽, 2014年更贏得世界探戈大賽中國賽區雙冠軍 (沙龍探戈組及華爾茲組),再次代表中國參加於阿根廷首都擧辦的世界大賽, 先後兩度晉身總決賽。
Raymond及Lily自2003年起接觸探戈,曾於布宜諾斯艾利斯跟隨多位探戈大師學習。他們緊隨沙龍探戈的傳統,舞姿優雅流暢,獨具風格,是新一代舞者的典範。他們同樣重視探戈的傳承,於2006年成立OtroTango,在香港及各地教授了不少學生,近年也有學生在中國探戈錦標賽獲得佳績。他們曾獲邀到首爾、台北、悉尼、東京、上海、峇里、新加坡、北京、汶萊及土耳其等地表演及客席授課, 亦多次在布宜諾斯艾利斯著名的探戈舞會中表演,例如Salon Canning, Sunderland 及La Baldosa等。他們的編舞舞作廣受注目,曾獲邀為一些亞洲頂級舞者編舞。
Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646 Email: tangobang@aliyun.com 沪ICP备08101381号