La Rubia(Argentina)
La Rubia is the product of a deep investigation, study and love for Tango.
Her knowledge and intimate relationship with the music enabled her to develop a personal style, a unique sound. This is “La Rubia”.
The activity as pure DJ was realized in her work „Las Chirusas“, in her home city -Rosario.
In almost 200 towns and 25 countries all over the world, from Argentina to Europe, people have danced with her music.
Not only Analia Del Giglio (La Rubia) is invited to the principal festivals and events of the main stream, but her work is also very appreciated as part of the regular scene. Also she gives exquisites workshops about your job, the history and cultura of Tango.
Becca Kang ( Korea )
Began to dance tango in 2010.
While becoming interested in tango music, Joinning members of SoloTango club’s “Allegros” DJ Study Group.
And studied intensively with Carlos Lee, Mercury Park, Nero, Damian Boggio, and Bejamin Lee.
From the year 2013, started to work DJ at Tango O Nada ,many events and milongas in Korea
On the one hand ,a main teacher of the Solotango club in Seoul until now.
And as a Organizer , have 2 milongas. Allegre in O2 (Every Sunday afternoon),Chemical Milonga (Every First Friday in Onada)
-Regular DJ of Tango O Nada in Seoul (SooNada, MockChoMiL)
-Regular DJ of El tango in Seoul (LaSe Milonga, Secret Milonga)
-Regular DJ of Todo Tango in Seoul (Mint Milonga)
DJ of Lime Studio in Seoul (Yolo Milonga)
DJ of La Ventana in Seoul (Dulce Milonga)
DJ of Eltango in Seoul (Luminoso GangNam Milonga)
– Invited DJ for milongas in Seoul , Busan , other Local Milongas
( El Tango, Elbulin, Todo Tango, Ataniche, Tangueria, Daegeon Onada etc.)
-Invited DJ for Milonga with Lucas Ameijeiras Yanina Bassi in Tangueria
-Invited DJ for Milonga with Fernanda Grosso & Alejandro Ferreyrai in Tangueria
-Invited DJ for tango Festivals–Suncheon Big Milonga ‘Estrellas (2014)
-Invited DJ for 6th SangHai Tango Festivals (2016)
-Invited DJ for Farewell Milonga with Adrian y Amanda Costa in O2 (2016)
-Invited DJ for Farewell Milonga with Sebastian Acosta & Laura D’Anna in O2 (2017)
-Invited DJ for 1th Shanghai International Tango Carnival (2017)
I-fan Wu (Taiwan)
I-fan Wu is an argentine tango teacher in Taipei. She started learning about tango DJing with Damian Boggio in 2009, went to Buenos Aires from 2010 to 2012 for tango learning and painting, and has been working and studying tango DJing since 2013. She plays music in different milongas in Taipei. She was DJ at the Busan Tango Festival and the JR Reunion in Greece in 2013 and has been invited to DJ at tango festivals and workshops in Hong Kong, Seoul, Catania (Italy), Buenos Aires ( Argentina) and other cities.
Frank Jin(China)
Frank Jin has been in touch with tango music and culture since 2007. He devoted himself in DJing since 2009 in Beijing. In 2014 he moved to Buenos Aires and shared his music in famous porteñas milongas and practicas including Villa Malcom, De Querusa, Sunderland, Club Fulgor, Club Oliverio, Maldita. Besides Beijing and Buenos Aires, he has also presented his music for numerous tango events in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Nanjing, Taipei, Seoul, Singapore, HCMC, Istanbul, Berlin, Paris, Osaka, Pusan and so on. He has worked intensively in the famous Austrian-Argentinan music company TangoTunes, specialising in cataloguing, classification, transferring and restoration of old tango records, and additionally, he owns hundreds of exclusive transfers as well as numerous academic achievements. Frank’s ultimate goal is to keep the tango spirit alive with the optimal sound quality and authentic music selection.
Franco Zhao(China)
Franco Zhao, a talented Tango singer, DJand dancer, started dancing Tango at the end of 2010. With a deep love of tangomusic, Franco began singing and Tango DJ-ing at the end of 2012. Traditionaltango music, especially the golden age classics are his favourite.
Well known in the tango community,Franco has DJ-ed for many local and international tango events and festivals,and has performed as a singer with visiting Tango bands from overseas.
International Guest
Sae y Juan Carlos (Japan)
Sae & Juan Carlos, 2007 Asian Salon Tango Champions and World Salon Tango finalist in 2007 and 2010, are professional dancers and the organizers of milongas and tango events in Tokyo. In 2011, they founded the Traditional Argentine Tango Dance School & Studio Muse in Tokyo. They have taught Tango Salon in several dance studios, cultural institutions and senior high school in Tokyo. In addition to being invited to teach and promote traditional tango dance all over Japan and Asia, they have performed at many of the most traditional and prestigious milongas in Buenos Aires, and the local milongueros have given them enthusiastic ovations for their outstanding performances. Now their traditional dance style, embodying passion and elegance, is bringing them international praise.
Leonel y Florencia (Korea)
Leonel and Florencia are a couple of professional tango dancers from Seoul. They have been invited to perform and teach in half a dozen cities in Korea, as well as for festivals and workshops in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei, and USA. They organize the annual Seoul Tango Festival, with over 100 overseas participants, high quality dancing, excellent DJs and organization. They also run their own tango studio, El Bulín, with weekly classes, practicas, and milongas. Previous to their partnership, Florencia joined the 2004 World Tango Championship in Buenos Aires and won second prize in the stage section. Leonel is originally from Hong Kong and he speaks fluent Chinese. They are very excited to participate in Shanghai Tango Festival again!
Gustavo Lin y Catarina Zhang (Taiwan )
2014, 2015 Mundial de Tango (Tango World Cup), China Preliminary Stage Tango Champion.
Performed in National Concert Hall (2014), National Theater (2009) in Taipei.
Gustavo y Catarina are from Taiwan and danced tango for 18 years. They have studied tango in Buenos Aires several times with the most famous tango masters. Their dance is full of elegance, passion and flavour of tango, their classes are popular all over the world.
In 2010, to promote Argentina Tango, they opened their first tango school “Corazon Tango Company” in the centre of Taipei.
Gustavo y Catarina were invited to teach/perform in the following cities:
China: Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Taipei, Taoyuan, Tainan
Italy: Firenze
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Korea: Seoul
Japan: Tokyo, Hiroshima
Indonesia: Bali
Odysseus Dada y Lea Kai (Korea )
Organizer of Seoul Tango Marathon, Korea International Tango Championship&Festivals, Seoul Metropolitan Tango Championship&Festivals, Seoul Tango Camp. Director of Art Tango.
La Rubia(阿根廷)
La Rubia 对探戈有着深入的探索者,知识与热情。
她对音乐的认识与亲密关系行程了她的一个独特风格别具一格的声音。这就是“La Rubia”。
她在她家乡-罗萨里奥, 开始了他的DJ职业生涯作品“Las Chirusas”。
La Rubia 不仅被邀请到重要的探戈节和活动,而且她一如既往的表现都大受青睐。此外,她讲授的阿根廷探戈历史文化下的DJ课程也是面面俱到。
Becca Kang ( 韩国)
对tango音乐产生兴趣的同时,加入了Solo Tango俱乐部的“Allegros”DJ学习小组,并集中向Carlos Lee,Mercury Park, Damian Boggio和Benjamin Lee学习。
2013年起开始在Tango O Nada和许多重要的韩国本土活动和舞会中担任DJ。
一方面,她已是Solo Tango俱乐部的主要老师。
-首尔 Tango O Nada舞会常规DJ (SooNada, MockChoMiL)
-首尔 El tango舞会常规DJ (LaSe Milonga, Secret Milonga)
-首尔 Todo Tango舞会常规DJ (Mint Milonga)
-首尔 Lime Studio舞会DJ (Yolo Milonga)
-首尔La Ventana舞会DJ(Dulce Milonga)
-首尔El tango舞会DJ(Luminoso GangNam Milonga)
-Tangueria舞会(Lucas Ameijeiras Yanina Bassi)客座DJ
-Tangueria舞会(Fernanda Grosso & Alejandro Ferreyra)客座DJ
-Suncheon 探戈节客座DJ(2014)
-第六节上海国际探戈节客座DJ (2016)
-O2 Adrian y Amanda Costa workshop欢送舞会DJ(2016)
-O2 Sebastian Acosta & Laura D’Anna workshop欢送舞会DJ(2017)
I-fan Wu (台湾)
吳依凡,台北阿根廷探戈老師。從 2013 開始從事與進修探戈DJ至今。多次於台北各常態舞會中擔任DJ,也曾在香港、首爾、釜山、希臘、義大利西西里、阿根廷布利諾愛麗絲等不同城市的探戈節和大師舞會與常態舞會中擔任DJ。
Frank Jin (中国)
今朝自2007年起开始接触探戈音乐和文化,并于2009年最早开始在北京DJ。2014年他移居布宜诺斯艾利斯,并在当地许多著名舞会与练习场献上他的音乐,其中包括Villa Malcom, De Querusa, Sunderland, Club Fulgor, Club Oliverio, Maldita等。除了北京、布宜诺斯艾利斯之外,他的身影曾出现在无数探戈活动中,这些城市包括上海、香港、南京、天津、台北、首尔、新加坡、胡志明市、伊斯坦布尔、柏林、巴黎、大阪、釜山等等。他曾长期在著名的奥地利/阿根廷探戈音乐公司TangoTunes工作,专攻探戈黑胶唱片的整理、分类、转录和修复,并有上百首独家音乐与诸多学术成果。今朝的目标是让探戈精神继续传递,并把最优质、最纯正的音乐带给广大探戈舞者。
Franco Zhao(中国)
Franco 趙熠, 來自上海,探戈歌手、DJ及舞者。2010年底開始探戈,2012年底起憑藉對探戈音樂的喜愛,開始嘗試作為DJ和歌手。傳統風格,喜好黃金年代的經典曲目,近年來表現活躍。作為DJ頻繁出現在各大探戈活動中,也作為歌手和國內外探戈樂團現場演唱探戈歌曲,受世界各地舞者的好評和喜愛。
Sae y Juan Carlos (日本)
Sae 与 Juan Carlos, 2007亚洲沙龙探戈冠军及2007、2010年世界沙龙探戈决赛选手,系职业舞者以及东京舞会和探戈活动的组织者。2011年,他们在东京成立了传统阿根廷探戈舞蹈学校暨Muse工作室,并在多家舞蹈学校、文化机构和高中教授沙龙探戈。除了经常被邀请在日本乃至亚洲授课和推广传统探戈舞蹈外,他们还在许多布市最传统最负声望的舞会中表演,当地的舞棍们也为他们精彩的表演热烈喝彩。他们的传统舞蹈风格体现了激情与优雅,为他们带来国际上的广泛赞赏。
Leonel y Florencia (韩国)
Leonel 和 Florencia 是首尔的一对专业探戈舞者。他们曾在韩国各大城市表演和教学,也受邀到北京,香港,上海,新加坡,悉尼,台北和美国参加探戈节和大师营。作为首尔探戈节的组织者,他们以高质量的舞蹈环境和顶级DJ,吸引过百的国外舞者参加。
他们也在自己经营的探戈教室 El Bulín 举办常规课程,练习课和舞会。在一起合作前,Florencia 曾参赛布城2004年探戈世界锦标赛,并荣获舞台项目的亚军。Leonel 来自香港,能说一口流利的普通话。他们很开心再次参加上海探戈节!
Gustavo Lin y Catarina Zhang (台湾)
来自台湾,阿根廷探戈资历超过18年,目前是全职的探戈教师及舞者。2010在台北开设 Corazón 探戈教室,推广探戈文化。
2014,2015 连续两年阿根廷探戈世界杯中国区公开选拔赛舞台探戈组冠军。
Catarina y Gustavo (钟可欣和林欣民)近年成为第一位在台北的国家音乐厅与国家戏剧院演出的探戈舞者。他们多次前往阿根廷旅首都居数月,学习传统阿根廷探戈,舞风优雅,教学内容广博,严谨有效率。曾于2012年第五届吉隆坡国际阿根廷探戈节,唯一以亚洲籍舞者身份,与其他阿根廷舞者担任主要授课演出老师。曾经受邀前往的城市有北京,上海,南京,天津,香港,首尔,东京,广岛,新加坡,吉隆坡,文莱,巴厘岛,佛罗伦斯及布宜诺斯艾利斯。
Odysseus Dada y Lea Kai (韩国)
Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646 Email: 沪ICP备08101381号