
6th Shanghai International Tango Festival Welcome you!

      We are very excited to announce the opening of the 6th Shanghai Tango Festival! 

      From the 1st year that we brought Conjuro Tango show, 2nd year Sexteto Milonguero, 4th year the show La Evasion :every edition of Shanghai Tango Festival was the deeply thought and planned to bring eyes opening opportunity to the tango community. All the masters that Shanghai Tango Festival have brought are world top class and still fresh to the market. 

      In the 6th edition, we are very proud to present “World Tango Maestra Series”, the historical Tango ballerina Guillermina Quiroga will be in Asia for the first time. Alejandra Gutty will also dedicate her presence in Asia in Shanghai Tango Festival .Stella Misse ,the youngest dancer of the world famous Misse family will visit China for the first time. And of course the best friends of Shanghai Tango Festival, Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella will come back for the 6th time ! 

      The magical designer Walter Delgado, DJ La Rubia Anaila Del Gigilo will be back to Shanghai to present their own best.  This year, we are featuring not only Maestras, but also best lady line of DJs!

       During the 5 days Shanghai Tango Festival ,there will be 16 workshop,5 main milongas and 5 after milonga as always.Funs,happiness,,love passion,and lots of sweat will be during this 5 days 5 night festival. 

       Lastly, and most importantly, we’ll host the event in the beautiful and historical venue, PEACE HOTEL.  

       So, Tango Lovers all over the world ,Welcome, and have fun with us! 


Founder of TangoBang

                                                                                                                                                                     Vivian Yeh




     自从第一年我们带来了“Conjuro Tango“秀,第二年的”Sexteto Milonguero“,第四年的”La Evasion“舞台秀,历届的上海探戈节,均经慎思熟虑与稹密的执行计划之下,带给探戈社群大开眼界的良机。上海探戈节所带来的均为当今炙手可热,世界级顶尖水平的探戈大师。

     第六届中,我们非常自豪的推出了”世界探戈大师系列“。探戈舞者Guillermina Quiroga首次现身亚洲,Alejandra Gutty也将在上海探戈节中倾情展现。Stella Missé,世界知名的Missé家族中最年轻的舞者也将首访中国。 理所当然的,上海探戈节最佳好友, Martin与Maurizio将为了第六届活动回到上海!

     魔幻设计师Walter Delgado,DJ La Rubia将回到上海展现他们最佳的一面。




                                                                                                                                                       探戈帮创始人 Vivian Yeh

Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号