Welcome to the 4th Shanghai International Tango Festival!!!
This is another exciting festival to come!! In the 4th edition of the festival, we are very proud to present the World Premier of “La Evasion”. It is a innovative show that goes beyond the traditional parameters of a typical tango show by appealing to the free use of different languages such as dance, theatre, and Tango. Creator of the show are Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella; Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira; Diego Amorin y Cecilia Capello, all young and prominent tango dancers with over 15 years if professional career.
The show will be taken place at the most reputative Chinese Opera House in China [Yi Fu Stage]. The stage has been the most important venue for the history of Chinese Opera. We can expect interesting ambiance when the innovative tango show “La Evasion” meets Chinese Opera Stage!!
Other highlights are:
Workshops: The three couples of the show will remix and match, to give 12 thematic classes, base on creation of the show. ie. “Girl friends forever” given by Ariadna Naveira y Cecilia Capello; “Becoming one” given by Martin Maldonado y Diego Amorin; “La Evasion” given by Marizio Ghella y Fernando Sanchez”…etc. This is the first-time-ever in the history and their career to break traditional way of giving workshop.
DJ “La Rubia” from Argentina. She is one of the most famous DJ today, toured almost 200 cities among 25 countries. Her knowledge and intimate relationship with the music enables her to develop a very unique personal style. For the first visit to Shanghai, also 10th anniversary of her DJ career, she’d like to dedicate the milonga as “Our beloved Shanghai”
Magician Tailor, Walter Javier Delgado, has been recognize the most successful Tailor from Argentina. He is famous for his creativity of design and using of fabric. He will give a demonstration of his technique during one tanda during the festival. Of course, ladies are welcome to make their one and only dress from one and only Walter!!
Live Orchestra, “TRIO LOS FANDANGOS” from Fukuoka, Japan, the amazing trio have won the hearts of Tango community in Japan by it’s lively, energetic sound over the past 15 years. It’s our pleasure to have them visit China for the first time!
With all these exciting program for the 4th Shanghai Tango Festival. Are you with me?!! August 7~11 in Shanghai!!
Let’s Tango!!!
Vivian Yeh @ TangoBang



又一个令人兴奋的节日即将到来!!本届为第四届,我们将非常自豪的在上海举办探戈舞剧“La Evasion”的世界首演。表演者使用不同的表达方式,如舞蹈、戏剧、和探戈,呈现了一出超越典型的探戈舞剧的创新剧目。该节目创作者是Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella ; Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira ; Diego Amorin y Cecilia Capello。他们都是拥有超过15年职业经验的著名年轻探戈舞者。

此剧将在最能代表中国歌剧的剧院“上海逸夫舞台”上演.该舞台一直是中国戏剧史上最重要的演出场. 我们期待着创新世界探戈表演“La Evasion”上演在中国戏曲舞台上的独特氛围!
大师营:在舞剧中三对舞者将会重新混搭,基于舞剧创作了12个专题班。 如“永远的女朋友”由Ariadna Naveira y Cecilia Capello讲授; “合而为一”由Martin Maldonado y Diego Amorin讲授; “逃避”由Marizio Ghella y Fernando Sanchez 讲授,等等。这是史上和他们职业生涯中第一次打破传统的讲授方式。

DJ “La Rubia”来自阿根廷,她是当今最有名的DJ之一,造访其25个国家将近200多个城市。她对音乐的认知以及热爱使她拥有非常独特的个人风格。此次探戈节是她第一次来上海,并且是她DJ生涯10周年,为此她将这次舞会命名为“我们敬爱的上海”.

魔术师裁缝 “Walter Javier Delgado”,已在阿根廷被认可为最成功的裁缝。他的著名是因他的创意设计和擅长对面料的使用。他将会在一组舞曲期间完美演示他娴熟的技巧,当然,欢迎给位女士们找Walter给你们设计一件完美的礼服!

现场乐团, “TRIO LOS FANDANGOS” 来自日本福冈。他们过去15年的现场演奏成为日本探戈界的焦点,是非常了不起的三人组合。我们非常荣幸将他们首次邀请到中国上海,并能在探戈节上现场演奏。



探戈帮创办人Vivian Yeh


Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号