
Class Intro and Festival Registration form

3rd Shanghai Tango Festival Registration Form (July. 18~22, 2013)

Workshop and Milonga Package
Early Bird After EB Amount
Whole Workshop 4200 4600
Whole Workshop for Couple 8000 8400
10 lesson 2200 2400
10 lesson for couple 4000 4500
6 lesson 1400 1500
lesson for couple 2500 2800
Single Class 250 280
Opening Milonga 250 300
Master Milonga 500 600
Grand Milonga 500 600
International Milonga 400 500
Farewell Milonga 200 300
After Milonga 100 120
Milonga Pass (10 Milongas) 1850 2300
Milonga Pass for couple 3500 4200
Total (RMB) 0

After milongas are free when you registrate for main milongas

Wire Transfer Information:

Bank Name: China Merchant Bank, Huai Zhong Branch

Account Name: Shanghai Wei Wu Wen Hua Communication Inc.

Account #: 1219 0944 5710 502

Pls email wire transcript to tangobang@aliyun.com to complete your registration

7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22
21:30 Opening Milonga* Master Milonga* Grand Milonga* International Milonga* Farewell Milonga*
Dresscode: Chinese Mariposita Flower White Red
I am a
*Name *Contact#
Arrival Date Hotel
*Name *Contact#
Arrival Date Hotel

Download Form    Venue


Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella

Item Content
MM01  Projection of the movements in certain figures
MM02  Dissociation and soltadas
MM03  Concept of Ganchos  and giro. combinations
MM04  back enrosques and their combination with boleos and  back sacadas
MM05  new and old boleos
MM06  out of axis: conlgadas and possibilities

Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira

Item Content
FA01   Ganchos in turns. The space, a correct position for gancho and how to get it into the turn. The embrace and the free leg.
FA02  Lápices y pasadas. The movement into the turn. The stop of the movement.
FA03  Vals. Music and sequences to both directions.
FA04  Milonga. Music and sequences to practice differents movements.
FA05  Boleos Overturned. Boleos with more pivots. The axis, the impulse, the arms work.
FA06  Complex Sacadas. Sacadas with exigencies outposts. Unusual positions.

Virginia Pandolfi

Item Content
V01 LINEAR MOVEMENTS (posture, walking, speedwork)
V02 CIRCULAR MOVEMENTS (ocho, giro, dissociation)
V03 USE OF THE FREE LEG (adornments, connection, independency)

 Ruben y Sabrina Veliz

 Item  Content
 RS01   Quality and esthetic of the movement
 RS02   Elastic embrace, sequences with variety of movements (previous knowledge is needed of sacadas, ganchos and boleos)
 RS03  Movements forgotten in the time (the better of the 40s ‘ and 50 ‘ applied to the current dance)
 RS04  Complex turns for Milonga, Vals & tango (there is needed knowledge of technique of turn)
 RS05  Introduction to the tango show
 RS06  Enrosques for man and woman


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For inquiry please email SHTangoFest@yahoo.com

課程內容 及 註冊資訊


第三屆上海國際探戈節註冊訊息 (July. 18~22, 2013)

Workshop and Milonga Package
優惠 期間 優惠期之後 Amount
單人套裝 4200 4600
雙人套裝 8000 8400
單人任選10堂課 2200 2400
雙人任選10堂課 4000 4500
單人任選6堂課 1400 1500
雙人任選6堂課 2500 2800
單堂課程 250 280
開幕舞會 250 300
大師舞會 500 600
大舞會 500 600
國际舞者之夜 400 500
歡送舞會 200 300
小舞會 100 120
單人舞會套裝(共计10个舞會) 1850 2300
雙人舞會套裝 3500 4200
總價 (RMB) 0

凡报名参加探戈节舞会者可免费入场 所有加场舞会


銀行名稱: 中國招商銀行 淮中支行

帳戶名: 上海薇舞文化傳播有限公司

帳號: 1219 0944 5710 502

請將匯款證明電郵至SHtangofest@yahoo.com 以完成您的註冊手續

7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22
21:30 開幕舞會* 大師舞會* 大舞會* 國际舞者之夜* 歡送舞會*
Dresscode: Chinese Mariposita Flower White Red
*姓名 *聯繫電話#
抵達日 住宿飯店
*姓名 *聯繫電話#
抵達日 住宿飯店


下载表格   場地


Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella

Item Content
MM01  舞步中透過引領展現肢體的延伸
MM02  擰轉及脫離框架的擁抱方式
MM03  勾腿與旋轉的組合訓練
MM04  螺絲轉的反轉與甩腿,后置換的可能性
MM05  新舊甩腿的理論及運用
MM06  玩軸心: 后傾倒的可能性

Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira

Item Content
FA01  如何運用擁抱及自由腿確保旋轉中勾腿的正確位置
FA02  筆勢旋轉變換的起始及結束
FA03  華爾茲的音樂性以及不同方向的組合
FA04  米隆加的音樂性及不同的組合運用
FA05  運用軸心,暫停及框架尋找甩腿的極限
FA06  複雜置換的極限組合

Virginia Pandolfi

Item Content
V01  線性技巧訓練, 包括姿勢,走路,及速度
V02  圓性技巧訓練, 包括8字轉,旋轉,及擰轉
V03  自由腳訓練, 包括裝飾,連結,及獨立性

 Ruben y Sabrina Veliz

 Item  Content
 RS01  舞蹈動作,行進中的質感与美感訓練
 RS02  在各式舞步變換中彈性調整擁抱的技巧
 RS03  40, 50年代的經典舞步與現代舞步的關係
 RS04  米隆加,華爾茲,探戈中的各式複雜旋轉
 RS05  舞台探戈的介紹, 編舞以及視覺效果呈現
 RS06  男女性的螺絲旋轉技巧



详情询问请电邮 SHTangoFest@yahoo.com

Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号