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Since 2006, they participated in several tango festivals around the world as teachers and performers. As choreographers they made “Al sur del sur” for River North Chicago Dance Company in 2011, “Dramatic Tango”

In 2010, on tour in Japan, “Tangos Corazonicos”

during 2009 in Buenos Aires, and also they created and directed “Tango on stage” on tour in USA.

During 2008 they tour China with their show Radio Latina, covering six cities including Shanghai, the same year they tour Japan with the Momoco Aida orchestra and also they present their show ¨Abrazame¨ at the Menton Tango Festival in France and they tour Holland with the Amsterdam Sinfonetta presenting their choreography ¨Last Round”.

In july of 2006 within the Soccer World Cup they are featured in a TV Special in Holland.

On April 30, 2005 they made an appearance during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Queen Beatrix of Holland reign.

Between 2001 to2005 they perform in different places in Buenos Aires like Esquina Carlos Gardel, El Querandi and Rojo Tango beetween others and also they take part in companies like Tango x 2 and Tango Emocion.

March 1998 through February 2001, they were cast in the Nueva Compañia Tangueros, as first dancers with wich they premiered the show “Milonga Boulevard” in New York, USA, playing the lead couple. Their work received excellent reviews from critic Jack Anderson of the “New York Times”.



Hardly any other couple has thought through and implemented the ideas of connectivity in one´s own body and the ability of dissociation as much as Martín and Maurizio. Their teaching can be described as a highly complex system of underlying simplicity, with which they fascinate their students again and again. Both trained classical dancers, they have newly defined the limits of classical tango. They perform with indescribable ease and elegance. Their shows are fireworks of dynamics and extravagance.

Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella, two dancers coming from different areas of the dance, have been developing, since nine years ago, a unique style that has been appreciated in festivals all over the world, like Berlin Tango High (Germany), Tango Element (United States), Tango Alchemie (Czech Republic), Doble Ocho (Holand), London Festival (England), Shanghai Tango Festival (China), Kuala Lumpur Festival (Malaysia) among others.

In 2011 they arrived in Asia where their skills in technique, drama and fun mesmerized their new audiences.

In 2012, thanks to their professional background, they were the first tango couple invited to participate in the most important modern dance festival in Europe: Impulstanz in Vienna, Austria.

In 2013, after participating in the Misterio Festival (Buenos Aires) and in the Punta del Este Festival (Uruguay), they not only mark tendencies but make new proposals with new challenges that involve working together with other colleagues and artists in a theatre show that they co-directed y co-choreographed, the fragment “La Evasión”.

This piece is based in the same concept that gives its name to their web site: La Maquina Tanguera, where they and their partners are a related unity and indispensable part of one another, generating together this kind of synchronicity that produces magic and a scenic illusion. This are Martin Maldonado and Maurizio Ghella, who keep touring countries like France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, China, Sweden, Malaysia, United States and Argentina, just to name a few. Creators and dancers that give, thorugh their view, a new meaning to the TANGO dance.



With a style that identifies them for their musicality and virtuosity, Ariadna and Fernando know how to combine the essential tools of tango with the inherent feel of the embrace.

In a very short time they have been able to complement each other in a harmonious dance that mixes the viewpoint of a modern Tango with the essence of Tango, also making of their teaching a tool to spread their love of Tango in all of its expressions.

They have traveled the world participating in Festivals, Tango schools, Milongas and theaters, making their mark and breaking ground for a dance for and to other -their partner.

Currently, they are working on their technique looking at the dance not only in its form, but also in the way of dancing and feeling the Tango.

Ariadna and Fernando are simply Tango!



Virginia Pandolfi, recognized in the world of tango, not only for her talent as a dancer, but also for her abilities as a teacher, is also an authentic “milonguera” and shown to have a dance smart, sensual, authentic, and highly skilled musical.

 Born in the city of Cordoba, began her first steps in tango with local teachers, and soon after she settled in Buenos Aires where she was quickly inserted in the work circuit of the artistic environment.

 Her beginnings were influenced by a training linked to stage tango, but over time the course of her career was strongly going towards an improvisation dance, salon and milonguero style.

 Her dance today is the result of a road made up of two basic ingredients; love to dance and the desire to work. In her role as teacher, her classes are the space to understand tango with these two axes as the basic principles for the learning path.



Vivian Yeh and Jonatan Aguero, starts partnering with each other since 2012. Within one year, they have had presences in the major festivals in Asia, including Hk, Taipei, Tokyo, Singapore, KL, Manila and BJ. During their most recent visit to BsAs, they were invited to perform in Cachirulo and Club Gricel and got high recognition from the local crowd. Their style is dynamic and articulate. Their performance is entertaining and passionate. They would like to continue to share their love of Tango to more people in Asia and the world!












2011年,“芝家哥北河舞蹈公司”的“Al sur del sur“

2010年,于日本巡徊的”Dramatic Tango”

2009年,在布宜诺斯爱丽丝时的“Tangos Corazonicos”,同时还执导了在美国巡演的”Tango on stage”

 2008年,当他们于中国巡演时的秀,“Radio Latina”。六个城市中,包含了上海。同年他们还与日本的“Momoco Aida“乐团,在法国”Menton”探戈节的”Abrazame”,荷兰“Amsterdam Sinfonetta”的”Last Round”同台演出。



 介于2001至2005年,他们在布宜诺丝爱丽斯的不同场所演出,如:Esquina Carlos Gardel, El Querandi and Rojo Tango,也同时参与了Tango x 2与Tango Emocion舞团的演出。

1998年三月至2001年二月,他们以首席夫妻舞者的身份投入了Nueva Compania Tangueros舞团在美国纽约的舞台秀,于“探戈舞会大道”的首演中,获得了纽约时報评论家杰克安德森的极高评价。



几乎没有其他任何的搭档如Martin y Maurizio,会透过对于身体连结拧转的想法来自主经营,而他们实现了。



两个来自不同领域的舞者,九年来,在全球各地发展出了独特且令人赞赏的风格,如:德国的Tango High,美国的Tango Element,捷克的Tango Alchemie,荷兰的Double Ocho,英格兰的London Festival,中国的上海探戈节,马来西亚的吉隆坡探戈节,以及其它地方的活动。




这是一与其官方网站同样发想的基础概念的作品“La Maquina Tangeuro”,基于相同的理念之下,在这当中他们与其它伙伴合作无间的创造出几近魔幻般的意境。





在很短的时间内, 可以他们的教学观点并融合在现代探戈精髓,来传播他们在和谐的舞蹈中表达爱意。



Ariadna 与 Fernando 是纯粹的探戈









Vivian Yeh & Jonatan Aguero 自2012年开始互为舞伴。短短一年间,他们已经亚洲区的主要探戈节中演出,当中包含香港、台北、东京、新加坡、吉隆坡、马尼拉及北京等。他们最近一次的不宜诺斯艾利斯之旅,更获邀在Cachirulo及Club Gricel表演,获当地人士高度好评。他们的风格利落而赋有能量,带玩味而不失热情。希望他们对探戈的热情能将分享给更多的亚洲人士。

Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号