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7/12 Opening Show & Opening Milonga      19:30~21:00 / 21:00~02:00

Club of Shanghai: 4F Gate 7, Shanghai Concert Hall, #523 Yan An East Rd.

Club Shanghai, situated on the fourth floor of the renown Shanghai Concert Hall, a 1930’s French styled architecture, comprises of a French fine dining restaurant, a ballroom with grand dance floor, a lounge and a private room. Each of which interprets a new statement of elegance and taste. The menu of Club Shanghai is at the good hand of Michelin quality chef, Stefan Stiller, who is the resident of Shanghai. This explains why at Club Shanghai, the food quality and creativity is so consistently incredible.

7/13 International Milonga      21:00~02:00

Paramount Hall:4F #218 Yu Yuan Road.

Paramount is the famous places of entertainment. The full name of the Paramount Hotel ballroom. 1929, originally opened in the Gordon Road (now Jiangning Road), concurrently ballroom Dahua Hotel out of business, the casino known as the “aristocratic district of Shanghai West, no one with the aristocratic district of adaptation. In 1932, Chinese businessmen care associated bearing investment of 700,000 taels of silver to purchase the Jing’an Temple to construction of Paramount Hall, and homophonic name “Paramount”. 1933 opening ceremony, Wu Tiecheng personally to attend the Post’s message when he was mayor of Shanghai, the KMT government, was a frequent visitor to the Paramount Chang Hsueh-liang, Hsu Chih-mo; Anna Chennault and Chennault, the engagement ceremony was held in this Chaplin couples visit to Shanghai had come here especially.

7/14 Grand Milonga      21:00~02:00

Club of Shanghai: 4F Gate 7, Shanghai Concert Hall, #523 Yan An East Rd.

7/15 Pool Party      15:00~20:00

Long Bai Graden: C7 #2416 Hong Qiao Road.

7/15 Closing Milonga      15:00~21:00 / 21:00~02:00

Paramount Hall:4F #218 Yu Yuan Road.

7/16 Farewell Milonga      21:00~02:00

Julie’s Restaurant:#2852 BinJiang Da Dao, at the end of FengHe Rd.



7/12 開幕晚餐秀 & 開幕舞會      19:30~21:00 / 21:00~02:00

漾樂會: 延安東路523號上海音樂廳7號門4樓翩蝶廳;


7/13 國際舞者之夜      21:00~02:00


百樂門是上海著名的綜合性娛樂場所。全稱“百樂門大飯店舞廳”。 1929年,原開在戈登路(今江寧路)的兼營舞廳的“大華飯店”歇業,被譽為“貴族區” 的上海西區,沒有一個與“貴族區”相適應的娛樂場。 1932年,中國商人顧聯承投資七十萬兩白銀,購靜安寺地營建Paramount Hall,並以諧音取名“百樂門”。 1933年開張典禮上,時任國民黨政府上海市長的吳鐵城親自出席發表祝詞,當時百樂門的常客有張學良、徐志摩;陳香梅與陳納德的訂婚儀式在此舉行,卓別林夫婦訪問上海時也曾慕名而來。

7/14 大師之夜      21:00~02:00

上海漾樂會: 延安東路523號上海音樂廳7號門4樓翩蝶廳

7/15 閉幕泳池派對      15:00~20:00


7/15 閉幕泳池派對 &閉幕舞會      15:00~21:00 / 21:00~02:00


7/16 歡送舞會      21:00~02:00

朱莉餐廳 濱江大道2852號,豐和路口;

Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号