
Sexteto Milonguero

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The Sexteto Milonguero formed in 2006 with the simple desire to play the dance repertoire, usually heard in the milongas, including different styles of different bands, emphasizing the 40′s, and beyond the excellent versions heard for years, Sexteto Milonguero tries to give a personal sound to these great old songs.

The only intention? … follow the path of those great bands, and do not let the tango, withdraw from the neighborhood, the dancers, the popular, the milongas …

This orchestra has the typical sextet format, plus a singer. Members: 2 violins (Marisol Canessa and Gustavo Garay), 2 bandoneones (Mauricio Jost & Andrés Kozak), Piano (Gervasio Ledesma), bass (Cristian Sepúlveda) and singer (Javier Di Ciriaco).

In 5 years, the sextet Milonguero, has played in milongas and festivals in Buenos Aires and several provinces of Argentina, has done 2 tours in Latin America and 5 tours in Europe covering over 15 countries.

Sexteto Milonguero介紹


出於對於探戈音樂的共同熱愛與追求, 六個志同道合的朋友於2006年成立了六個老舞棍樂團。他們演奏的探戈音樂涵蓋了諸多不同風格的樂團,總體偏重於40年代的經典曲目,多在舞會中耳熟能詳,不少更是傳唱多年的經典版本。而“六個老舞棍”更是賦予了這些老歌全新的演繹。


該樂團由6個樂手加1位歌手組成,是探戈樂團的標準配備。成員有:2位小提琴手(Marisol Canessa and Gustavo Garay), 2 位手風琴手(Mauricio Jost & Andrés Kozak), 一位鋼琴演奏者(Gervasio Ledesma),1位貝司手(Cristian Sepúlveda) 及主唱: ( Javier Di Ciriaco)


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