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Analia Carreno & Luiggi Ramirez


Charismatic, passionate and virtuous young tango couple from Argentina.

Furthermore, they are masters, choreographers, founders and directors of ConjuroTango. In their work, they apply all the knowledge they have from different dance disciplines to tango, strongly enriching the dynamic of this dance without losing its essence, the real heart of traditional tango. They started dancing together in 2005 when they joined Señor Tango’s (the most important Tango show in BA) ensemble, where they have been performing until 2010. They began their international career joining the world known “Tanguera”, “Tango Emotion” and “Señor Tango” companies and touring with them Brazil, Germany, Russia and China. Since 2008, they have been f’ilming special TV programs in BA streets for the TV chain Telefe International, as the leading stars. In 2008, they created their own company and launched the first “ConjuroTango Show” at the famous steak house “La Cabaña” located in Buenos Aires. During all these years, they have also been devoted to teaching in Argentina, China, Korea and Japan, where they have been until the end of 2009 performing, teaching and organizing milongas. ConjuroTango leading dancers, Analia and Luis have a modern, dynamic and passionate style. In 2011, premiered ConjuroTango “A new story about Tango…”

With a fusion of tango and flamenco. For the 2013 they will debut “Warriors” the second show of ConjuroTango.

Pablo Giogini & Noelia Coletti


Pablo Giorgini & Noelia Coletti begin their career in 1997, at the age of 16 and 17. They focus their work on stage tango and salon tango. They join the cast of the musical TANGUERA in 2003, performing in the most prestigious theatres of Buenos Aires and all over the world. In 2005 they travel to Japan to present the tango show of the Argentinean Pavilion at the Aichi World Expo, performing for important figures as the Emperor of Japan and the princess Máxima of Holland, among others. At the same time they conduct a special tango workshop for the company Alegría of Cirque du Soleil.

From then on they have been traveling as dancers and profesors all over the world, joining festivals and workshops in Tokio, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Granada, Tavira, etc. They were choregraphers and trainers of the champions of stage tango in the Asian Tango Championship in Japan in 2006, and were coach of the champions and subchampions of the Metropolitan Championship in Buenos Aires in 2010.

They organize the Practica of Stage Tango in Buenos Aires, becoming the place of training and formation for many renowned dancers.

They currently live in Buenos Aires, teaching and participating in important events and festivals and are widely renowned for their work as profesors, trainers, choreographers and dancers.

Martin Maldonado & Maurizio Ghella


Martin Maldonado and Maurizio Ghella, are two young teachers and artists who through the technique are looking for the expressive interpretation, for being the dance.

They’ve worked at many well-respected festivals, such as Berlin Tango festival in Germany, Vienna Tango Week in Austria, Tango Postale in France, Misterio Tango Festival in Argentina, just to mention a few”

“One of the main focuses of their work has always been the connection within the couple. The goal is not to learn only new steps, but to emphasize the technique through feeling each other, by being connected and by paying close attention to the embrace. “When you’re dancing like this, it will be easier to improvise, and also to approach your Tango in a much more relaxed way”, say Martin and Maurizio. In their work they believe in a proposal that allows them to develop not only the technical skills of the dancers, but also to give free space to expression and interpretation.”



Anaia Carreno & Luiggi Ramirez


Analia Carreno 和Luiggi Ramirez是一對來自阿根廷的富有魅力、激情的年輕舞者。

他們是“探戈魔咒舞團”的創辦人、編舞和主演。他們將不同舞蹈的元素融匯於探戈,豐富又不失去探戈舞蹈原有精神實質,他們擁有對傳統探戈的摯愛。在2005年他們加入了Señor Tango舞團(布宜諾斯艾利斯最重要的探戈演出),開始搭檔跳舞並演出至2010年。他們先後加入了世界聞名的“Tanguera”, “Tango Emotion”和“Señor Tango”公司,並開啟了巴西,德國,俄羅斯和中國等多國巡演的國際事業生涯。自2008年起,他們在布宜諾斯艾利斯為國際頻道的特殊電影電視節目擔任首席演員。 2008年,他們成立了自己的公司,並在布宜諾斯艾利斯著名牛排館“La Cabaña”舉行了首場“探戈魔咒”演出。多年來,他們一直致力於在阿根廷、中國、韓國和日本多個國家進行表演、教學和舉辦舞會。

作為探戈魔咒的領銜舞者,Analia 和Luis的風格時尚、活力,充滿激情,2011年探戈魔咒為大家呈現了“一個關於探戈的全新故事”,將探戈和弗拉門戈完美融合在一起。 2013年他們將帶來探戈魔咒的第二個篇章: “勇士”。

Pablo Giorgini & Noelia Coleffi


Pablo Giorgini & Noelia Coletti 於1997 年分別為16 及17 歲時開啓其舞蹈職業生涯,以舞台及沙龍探戈為志業。 2003 年加入探戈舞劇TANGUERA 的陣容,在布宜諾市及世界各重要劇院演出。 2005 年受聘於日本愛知縣世博會阿根廷館表演,演出對象包含日本天皇、荷蘭Maxima 公主及多位重要人物。世博會期間受邀為太陽劇團團員開設探戈特別課程。

曾於世界各地教學及表演,足跡涵蓋東京、香港、台北、北京、上海、格拉那達、塔為拉等等。其編舞及訓練為2006 年日本亞洲探戈大賽參賽舞者贏得舞台組冠軍,2010 年則擔任布宜諾市探戈大賽冠軍及亞軍隊伍指導教練。


Marfin Maldonado & Maurizio Ghella


Martin Maldonado 和Maurizio Ghella是兩位年輕的老師和藝術家,通過技巧的運用,他們始終追求著對舞蹈內涵的充分詮釋。


Martin 和Maurizio在教學中更加關注舞者彼此之間的相互聯繫,他們常說“學習舞蹈的不僅僅是為了學習新的舞步,而是通過體會彼此間的互動來選擇相應的技巧,最重要的是感受彼此的擁抱和連接。 ”“當你能這樣跳舞時,你會更加容易進步,而且可以用更為放鬆的方式跳探戈。 ”工作時他們認為,他們所呈現出的不僅是舞者的專業技巧,更重要的是給予彼此表達和詮釋的空間。

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