
Schedule & Classes

Guillermina Quiroga

GQ01 — fundamentals,posture,exercises for bakance,walking,weight change,musicality. Tango and milonga.

GQ02 — pivots: spiral movements, ochos, basic for molinetes.

GQ02 — spiral movements II : giros,molinetes,enrosques,boleos.

GQ04 — embellishments : when, how, why,elements.

Alejandra Gutty 

AG01— Recognize and keep the balance (part.I)

Finding our centre: Body alignment, engaging the breathing and finding the proper  relaxation to dance in a couple. Posture.  

AG02 — Recognize the “lightness/heaviness” (part.I)

Caminatas, short/long steps. Healthy knees, flex-straight legs. Pivot. Giros. Voleos.

Quality in our movements.

AG03 — Recognize and keep the balance (part.II)

Finding our embrace: Energy in the arms/hands, shoulders and back, position of the chest and hip. Dissociation. Impulses without unnecessary force.

AG04 — Recognize the “lightness/heaviness” (part.II)

Trying to keep legs relaxed and energetic.

Projection of the legs. Sacadas.

Stella Missé 

SM01 — postura y equilibrio: correcta posicion corporal

SM02 — caminatas: manejo de piernas y pies

SM03 — giros: disociación corporal

SM04 — voleos y adornos: correcto forma de poner pies y piernas para dichos movimientos

Maurizio Ghella & Martin Maldonado

MM01 —  Combination of traditional and lineal boleos

MM02 — Sacadas with change of directions

MM03 —  Giros in a suspended dynamic

MM04 —  Contramovements with enrosques



Guillermina Quiroga

GQ01 — 基础姿势平衡练习法,走路,重心转换,音乐性,探戈与米龙加步法

GQ02 — 单轴转:螺旋运动,划八步,基础“铅笔步”

GQ03 — 螺旋运动2:旋转,铅笔步法,甩腿

GQ04 — 装饰:何时运用,如何运用,为何使用,装饰的元素有哪些

Alejandra Gutty 

AG01 — 平衡的认知与维持1


AG02 — 熟轻熟重1


AG03 — 平衡的认知与维持2


AG04 — 熟轻熟重2


Stella Missé 

SM01 — 姿态与平衡:正确的身体姿势

SM02 — 步行:腿与脚步的处理

SM03 — 旋转:身体解离之道

SM04 — 甩腿与装饰:如何以正确的方式来运行腿部与脚法

Maurizio Ghella & Martin Maldonado

MM01 — 传统与线性的甩腿组合

MM02 — 方向改变中的置换

MM03 — 旋转中的动能暂缓

MM04 —  反向运动与螺旋步法


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