
About Orchestra

Musicians, composers, dancers and tango Djs, they are “El Cachivache”, Argentine tango quintet composed of : Vito Venturino on guitar, Pablo Montanelli on piano, Anne Larue on violin, Negro de la Fuente on Bandoneon and Pacha Mendes on contrabass.
The group was formed in early 2008, their strong and rhythmic tango rapidly it does of them the perfect quintet for milongas and it is the delight of the dancers. 
They are currently in Buenos Aires,  from May to September 2015, in european tour.


音乐家,作曲家,舞蹈家和探戈DJ,他们是”El Cachivache“。这阿根廷探戈五重奏乐队的成员是:Vito Venturino (吉他),Pablo Montanelli (钢琴)Anne Larue (小提琴),Negro de la Fuente (手风琴)和 Pacha Mendes (低音提琴)。


El Cachivache“目前在布宜诺斯艾利斯,2015年5月到九月会在欧洲巡回演出。

Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号