

Tianchan Peking Opera Centre Theatre, as a famous opera quay、Peking Opera show site well-known home and abroad, was established in 1925.

In times Peking Opera grew prosperously, all the outstanding artists and performers throughout the Country Performed on this stage. Once in the opera field there was a saying that “Having not Performed here, one can not be famous”.

In the 1990s, directly under the cordial care and sanctioning of leaders of the Party and the goverment in Shanghai, through the governmental investment and the donation of start fund by HongKong industrialist Mr. Shao Yifu, and with the help of the Hong Kong friendly personage who are enthusiastic in Peking Opera art, the theater was rebuilt and completed on April 28, 1994 renamed Tianchan Peking Opera Centre Yifu Theatre. The rebuilt theater is under the jurisdiction of Shanghai Peking Opera Theatre.

With the advantages of a long history performance resources and the brand effect, Tianchan Peking Opera Centre Yifu Theatre made itself the characteristic brand of Chinese opea special-purpose performance, with the supplements of local opera performances.

In 2004, the municipal government and affiliated Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group renovated the Tian chan Peking Opera Centre Yifu Theatre again, which makes the new theater with professional stage equipments and refined drama environments.

Tianchan Peking Opera Centre Yifu Theatre has deeply attracted both the drama troupes all over the mainland China、 Hong Kong and taiwan and those famous actors by its service brand and excellent teamwork spirit. With the idea of serving the audience and the theatres、 troupes, Yifu theater staff will redouble ours efforts to achieve more glorious results.

ADD:  NO.701, Fuzhou Rd. Shanghai,CHINA

Traffic: Mero 1 & 2 or any public transportation via people’s square







至今,老观众们还记得:一代宗师周信芳和海派名角赵如泉、小达子、高百岁等在天蟾推出了《海瑞上疏》等一出出新剧目,为海派京剧艺术的行程与发展做出了积极贡献;梅兰芳首次排演的爱国名剧《抗金兵》在天蟾首演,万人空巷,场场爆满;解放后,第一个来自北京的京剧团在天蟾演出了李少春、袁世海、杜近芳三大名角珠联璧合的新京剧经典之作《野猪林》; 上海青年京昆剧团演出现代昆剧《琼花》,创下连满108场的记录;文化大革命后,苏州京剧团胡芝凤在这里上演《李慧娘》, 一炮打响,天蟾从此又逐渐恢复了京剧演出;上海京剧院一团、二团、三团、以天蟾作为演出基地,轮番上演京剧日场演出季连台本戏《七侠五义》、《封神榜》、《宏碧缘》等,仅1981年5月、8日上演的头本、二本《七侠五义》,就练满100场.         南北名角云集天蟾,竞相献艺,好戏迭出.



依靠历史悠久的演出资源、品牌效应,天蟾逸夫舞台以京剧演出为主,其他戏曲剧种演出为辅,年均演出场次在上海骄傲的剧场以它的历史积淀已然成为一座文化景观! 服务于观众、服务于院团,天蟾逸夫舞台全体员工们将一如既往地与当代戏剧人一起为京剧事业的继往开来,为民族戏曲艺术的发展谱写新世纪里更多的辉煌篇章.




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