
Introduction of Asian Dancers

Korea: Leonel and Florencia  上海探戈節表演者 韓國  
来自首尔的Leonel和Florencia是专业探戈舞者及探戈活动组织者。他们表演及授课的足迹遍布韩国6个不同的城市,以及香港、新加坡、悉尼、台北和美国。他们拥有一家名为El Bulin的探戈工作室,并组织每年一度的首尔探戈节(Seoul Tango Festival),这是韩国规模最大的探戈节。与Leonel成为搭档之前,Florencia曾在2004年参加了于布宜诺斯艾利斯举办的世界探戈锦标赛(World Tango Championship),并赢得Stage组第二名。Leonel来自香港,能讲流利的中文。他们衷心期待着参与第一屆上海國際探戈節,并乐于将他们在韩国的经验分享给上海的探戈爱好者
Leonel & Florencia are a couple of professional tango dancers and organizers from Seoul. They have been invited to teach and perform in half a dozen cities in Korea, as well as for festivals and workshops in Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Singapore, Sydney, and USA.  They run their own tango studio, El Bulín, and they organize the annual Seoul Tango Festival, the biggest event of its
kind in Korea. Previous to their partnership, Florencia joined
the 2004 World Tango Championship in Buenos Aires and
won second prize in the stage section.  Leonel is originally
from Hong Kong and he speaks fluent Chinese.  They look
forward to the first Shanghai Tango Festival and to meeting
the tango community in China.
Taiwan: Derrick Li y Agnes Tang
Derrick Lee 和 Agnes Tang ,是台灣探戈創始老師之ㄧ,十多年來不遺餘力的投身探戈教學,以絕佳的默契和嶄新的探戈風格,代表台灣受邀到東京、名古屋、上海、北京、香港及首爾等地表演及進行教學,每次都引起其大的迴響,被列為最受學生歡迎的老師之一。 
2006 年,他們在東京的亞洲探戈大賽贏得最佳創意印象獎,同年在布宜諾斯艾利斯的阿根廷探戈世界盃中,晉級到準決賽。
Derrick Lee and Agnes Tang have been dancing together since folk dance club
for several years. They have studied tango from masters in many different
countries, such as Argentina, United States, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal,
Turkey…etc. In spite of having their own professions in electronics engineering
and private equity respectively, they are professional tango dancers, teachers
and choreographers giving regular tango lessons, performances and workshops
in Taiwan. They have been invited for speeches, workshops and performances
in several cities in Tokyo, Nagoya, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul for
several times and also interviewed by various media and press. In year 2006,
they won the Creative Expression prize in Asian Tango Championship in Tokyo.
Their vibrant and breezy dance is always popular and their interpretation of tango
along with interactions with each other make a very unique and impressive style.





Lily y Raymond for Shanghai Tango Festival
HongKong: Lily and Raymond
Raymond and Lily have recently won in the Asian Tango Championship 2011 as the Champions in Salon category. 
They have started Argentine Tango in 2003 and have devoted to Tango since then. They are very dedicated dancers and have learnt Tango from many Argentine masters with their extended visits to Buenos Aires. They started teaching since 2006 and have been invited to perform in various occasions, including Seoul Tango Festival in Korea, Taipei Tango Festival, Sydney Tango Festival and in many other milongas and shows. They are the organizers of Practica Otro and Outdoor Milongas. In 2010, Lily even quit her job as an architect to work fulltime in promoting Argentine Tango in Hong Kong. 
2011年6月,Raymond 和Lily參加了亞洲探戈錦標賽並於很多的專業探戈舞者中, 贏得了舞會探戈組別的冠軍。
Raymond 和Lily 在2003年開始遇上阿根廷探戈,之後一直醉心並致力於發展探戈至今。他們是非常專業的舞者和導師,師承許多阿根廷探戈大師, 並多次於布宜諾斯艾利斯深造舞藝。自2006年開始教他們,並獲邀到各地探戈節表演, 包括在韓國, 台北, 澳洲, 星加坡等地的探戈節和其他許多舞會。 他們是Otrotango Dance Company 的主辦人, 舉辦阿根廷探戈課程, Practica Otro及Outdoor Milonga 。2010年4月Lily 更放下了她建築師的工作, 全心投入推動香港的阿根廷探戈。
『愛上探戈 … 跳一首好的探戈,會有一種難以言喻的感動。』… Lily 
自己的靈魂與舞伴溶合,你將不會忘記每一刻的感動。』… Raymond








Gustavo y Catalina for Shanghai Tango Festival
Taiwan: Gustavo Lin y Catarina Chen
Gustavo Lin(林欣民)開始他的探戈學習於1997年.並於2000年起在台北推廣阿根廷探戈文化。Catarina Chung(鍾可欣)開始學習探戈於2007年的歐洲.之後她連續多年前往布宜諾愛麗絲進修研習探戈。
林欣民與鍾可欣於2009年開始於搭檔教學與表演.他們的風格是傳統Tango Salon,他們的舞蹈充滿了探戈的優雅與熱情. 非常活躍於國際探戈活動,曾受邀到許多城市教學與演出, 布宜諾斯艾利斯,義大利,澳洲,韓國,香港,新加坡,東京,均得熱烈的迴響。
2010/06 他們於台北的中心成立探戈專屬阿根廷探戈的教室”Corazon Tango”,繼續分享他們對探戈的愛與熱誠。他們期待,在亞洲,探戈能夠成為受歡迎的舞蹈,大家都能感受到探戈的迷人之處。
Gustavo Lin 林欣民 started tango in 1997 and has promoted tango in Taipei since 2000.
Catarina Chung  鍾可欣was first exposed to tango in Europe in 2007; later, she went to Buenos Aires for further learning in 2008,2009 and 2010.
Gustavo & Catarina start to teach together from 2009, their dance style are traditional Tango Salon; their dance are full of elegance and passion. For them, the most beautiful part of tango are the embrace and Tango music. They have
many times experience as invited teacher & performer in B.A, Florence, Hong
Kong, Seoul, Sydney, Singapore, Tokyo, ShangHai.
2010/06 Gustavo and Catarina opened their Tango studio “Corazon Tango”
in central Taipei. They hope Tango in Asia will become more and more popular
and people can feel the beauty from Tango.
Gustavo, guest teacher in Shang Hai, China(2005) 上海(中國)
Gustavo, guest teacher in Tango Club, Florence, Italy(2008) 佛羅倫斯(義大利)
Gustavo, workshop in Milongueando Seoul, Korea (2009), partner: Weining Chen 首爾(韓國).
Gustavo, workshop in HongKong(2009), partner: Weining Chen 香港
Gustavo & Catarina workshop in Singapore(2010). 新加坡
Performance abroad. 國際表演經驗
Gustavo. Guest performer in Salon Canning, Milonga Mina, B.A partner: Shakirita Tasi(TW). 2008. 布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)
Catarina, guest performer in Milonga El Beso, B.A, partner: Diego Mohammad(Arg) 2011. 布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)
Gustavo & Catarina, guest performer in Taipei Tango Festival 2010. 台北(台灣)
Gustavo & Catarina, guest performer in Seoul Tango Festival 2010. 首爾(韓國)
Gustavo & Catarina, guest performer in Sydney Tango Festival 2010. 悉尼(澳洲)
Gustavo & Catarina, guest performer in Milonga La Balsosa, Tokyo 2011. 東京(日本)

Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号