

Becca Kang ( Korea )

Began to dance tango in 2010.

While becoming interested in tango music, Joinning members of SoloTango club’s “Allegros” DJ Study Group.

And studied intensively with Carlos Lee, Mercury Park, Nero, Damian Boggio, and Bejamin Lee.

From the year 2013, started to work DJ at Tango O Nada ,many events and milongas in Korea

On the one hand ,a main teacher of the Solotango club in Seoul until now.

And as a Organizer , have 2 milongas. Allegre in O2 (Every Sunday afternoon),Chemical Milonga (Every First Friday in Onada)

-Regular DJ of Tango O Nada in Seoul (SooNada, MockChoMiL)

-Regular DJ of El tango in Seoul (LaSe Milonga, Secret Milonga)

-Regular DJ of Todo Tango in Seoul (Mint Milonga)

DJ of Lime Studio in Seoul (Yolo Milonga)

DJ of La Ventana in Seoul (Dulce Milonga)

DJ of Eltango in Seoul (Luminoso GangNam Milonga)

– Invited DJ for milongas in Seoul , Busan , other Local Milongas

( El Tango, Elbulin, Todo Tango, Ataniche, Tangueria, Daegeon Onada etc.)

-Invited DJ for Milonga with Lucas Ameijeiras Yanina Bassi in Tangueria

-Invited DJ for Milonga with Fernanda Grosso & Alejandro Ferreyrai in Tangueria

-Invited DJ for tango Festivals–Suncheon Big Milonga ‘Estrellas (2014)

-Invited DJ for 6th SangHai Tango Festivals (2016)

-Invited DJ for Farewell Milonga with Adrian y Amanda Costa in O2 (2016)

-Invited DJ for Farewell Milonga with Sebastian Acosta & Laura D’Anna in O2 (2017)

-Invited DJ for 1th Shanghai International Tango Carnival (2017)


Alejandro Segovia(Argentina)


Martin Maldonado y Fernando Sanchez (Argentina)


Xiao Xin y King Shen (China)

Xiao Xin:

Tango’s energy is the dual catalysis of dance steps and music, XIAOXIN has been working to explore the multiple tango forms and musical expressions that emphasize both energy and emotion. In his DJ, the selection of the song is always positive and familiar, as well as it is his DJ service concept to pursue the dancer’s physical and mental pleasure and smooth expression. Therefore, he is rooted in the golden age and respects the tradition, and incorporates different styles and chronological combinations, highlighting the tango’s advancing with the times and endless life.

In addition, he is a diverse dance enthusiast, proficient in the national standard ballroom dance(both morden & latin) and Latin style dance, in the twelve years of learning dance experience and what he saw in Argentina, let him realize the fusion of Latin American dance and The multiplicity of music is the unique nutrient and innate spirituality of their tango, and it has always influenced his philosophy and style as a DJ.


King Shen:

King started dancing Tango since 2014. With more and more love of tango and tango music, he started to do research into tango music and history, take DJ workshops, talk to other tango DJs to further understand music. He is now one of DJs in Shanghai regular milongas. In 2017, he was invited by Shanghai Argentina embassy to be a DJ for the event of “World Tango Day”. Believing “Classics is the best”, he always tries to use golden age music to let dancers enjoy those moments in the milongas


Nicolas Marini (Argentina)

Nicolas Marini, currently organizes TangoBang with Vivian, began his career as a dancer in the South of the province of Buenos Aires at the age of 15 years. It is emphasized in his career called Tangueria (milonga of districts) was considered his place of education. Do not have any restriction on genre-“the tango is everything, it is the beginning and the course of life, exactly consider it a lifestyle”. In 2011, he started his career as a choreographer and teacher in several cities in countries such as Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, El Salvador and Paraguay undertaking his first trips. In the years 2012 and 2013, he won the first place in Salón category in the Mundial del Tango in La Plata division. In 2013 till now, he is farther from his hometown to manages to cultivate more teaching in countries like Spain, England, Israel and other countries.
They met each other in Buenos Aires in February, 2016 and started dancing as a couple from July. In the very short amount of time, they have already gained trust and reputation among communities in China, Asia, and in Argentina.
Even though they came from different background in the dance training, they share the same passion and believe to Tango. “Tango is the way of life, we live the Tango”. They don’t limit themselves to one specific style, with respect to the tradition and admire to the new. They believe that the true beauty of the music and embrace will lead them to the dance.


Elise Yang (China)

Elise Started her public DJ journey in early 2019 in TangoBang,Shanghai. After experiencing different DJ styles in local milongas and tango festivals in the cities of Buenos Aires, Berlin, Rome, Napoli, Seoul, Busan, Hongkong, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo, she would simply share the joy of music to all the guests in a comfort way and wish to catch up every stunning moment on the dance floor.


Meng Wang y Julian Bai He (China)

Meng Wang:

Meng is a DJ for the dancers. Being a very active social dancer himself allover the world, he takes pride in providing rhythm, energy as well as emotionaldepth to the dancers on the floor. His up-tempo but sometimes romantic DJingstyle features the most popular classic orchestras generates a exciting vibefor the dancers and often keeps them dancing non-stop through all-nighters. Hisearly DJ influence came from non-other than the Maestro of musicality himself,Chicho Frumboli, who spent a lot of time lecturing to Meng on how to play theright music for the dance floor. Meng Wang has been the DJ for internationaltango festivals such as Singapore, Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, Montreal, Toronto,Seattle, Vancouver, Palm Springs, as well as Shanghai.


Julian Bai He:

Julian Bai He  is a traditional tango DJ whom based in Shanghai. He is one of the most popular DJ in China now. He was invited to perform in many festivals and tango events located in some big cities in different continents such as Buenos Aires, Rostov, Vladivostok, Seoul, Singapore, Osaka, Taipei, Hong Kong, and so on. As a famous DJ, he received a lot of praises from many dancers and masters in this field.

He loves traditional tango music in Golden Era, but not stick to that. He can always arouse dancers’ enthusiasm because he is very good at grasping energy from different type of music. Tango, in his opinion, is the dance with soul, a good DJ should always releasing the energy from the dancers deepest soul by music.


Richard Lai(Hongkong)

Richard is a traditional tango DJ in Hong Kong, China.  He started tango in 2003 and began DJing in 2007.  Being an active dancer himself, he understands what dancers want and knows well how to read the dance floor and interacts with them.  To share his knowledge and passion in tango music, he plays music in milongas in Hong Kong and across China, and conducts tango DJ workshop on a regular basis.His DJ events in recent years include:-Festivalito de Tango en Hong KongBangkok Tango MarathonBusan Tango MarathonChongqing Tango Marathon Shanghai Tango FestivalShanghai International Tango CarnivalSingapore International Tango FestivalTaipei Tango FestivalTaiwan Tango MarathonTango Festival en TokyoWuhan Tango FestivalVietnam Tango Marathon.


Ricardo Tan(China)

Starting his career as a “Musicalizador” in Beijing in 2010, Ricardo has both witnessed and influenced the early tango DJ scene in the Chinese capital city. After relocating to Shanghai in early 2014, he quickly became a sought-after tango DJ for the local milongas.

Ricardo’s work is driven by the desire to serve the floor with the most danceable and enjoyable arrangements. Golden Age tango constitutes the strong baseline of his repertoire with occasional excursions into both earlier and later years, played at the right moment and to the right people.

Apart from entertaining the regular Shanghai milongas, he also enjoyed working for international tango events in Asia.



Becca Kang ( 韩国 )


打从对tango音乐感兴趣时,即加入了Solo Tango Club的Allergre DJ学习群。向Carlos Lee, Mercury Park, Nero, Damian Boggio深究。

自2013年,她开始了在韩国Tango O Nada的许多探戈舞会的DJ工作。一方面,时至今日,她身为研训团队”Elena”的主要成员。


首尔Tango O Nada常驻DJ


首尔及斧山的舞会DJ(El Tango, El Bulin, Ataniche, Tangueria, Nuevo。。等等)

Lucas Ameijeiras Yanina Bassi in Tangueria

Fernanada Grosso 与 Alejandro Ferreyrai in Tangueria

Tango Festivals — Suncheon Big Milonga ‘Estrellas


Alejandro Segovia(阿根廷)


Martin Maldonado y Fernando Sanchez (阿根廷)


Xiao Xin y King Shen (中国)

Xiao Xin:




King Shen:

King从2014年开始学习探戈,出于对经典探戈音乐的热爱与痴迷,从2016年起开始深入钻研探戈音乐,上有关探戈DJ的研习课,和不同的DJ交流讨论,之后开始在舞会担任DJ。如今已成为上海各舞会的常驻探戈DJ之一。也曾受邀在2017年上海阿根廷领事馆举办的“世界探戈日”活动中担任DJ工作。 他秉承“经典的就是最好的”原则,用经典的传统探戈音乐为舞者们服务。舞者们对于音乐的与享受就是其快乐来源之一。


Nicolas Marini (阿根廷)

Nicolas Marini, 现与Vivian共同经营探戈帮,15岁时在布省南部开始职业舞蹈生涯。Tangueria是对他职业十分重要的学舞之地。他从不对舞蹈设任何限制——探戈应是一切,她是生命的起始和航向,准确的说是一种生活方式。2011年,他在许多国家开始他的编舞和教学生涯,例如智利、乌拉圭、墨西哥、巴西和巴拉圭作为他的第一站。2012年和13年,他获得世锦赛拉普拉塔区沙龙组冠军。2013年至今,他更是远渡重洋,前往西班牙、英格兰、以色列等地进行教学。




Elise Yang (中国)

Elise, 来自上海,2019年初在上海探戈帮开始担任公开舞会DJ 。在过去两年中,曾参与过布宜诺斯艾利斯等多个国家城市的当地舞会和国际探戈活动,并在国外DJ指点下开始研习Tango音乐。她希望通过挖掘传统音乐的魅力让舞者们寻找属于自己的夜晚,以一种体贴的方式去关注舞池中的每一个美妙瞬间。


Meng Wang y Julian Bai He (中国)

Meng Wang:

王萌是为舞者而生的DJ, 身为一名资深的Tango舞者, 他以给予舞者节奏感,有能量,充满情感的音乐为傲. 他的快节奏的但是有些时候却又是非常浪漫的, 以非常经典音乐的特征创造出一系列的身心震动让所有的舞者不肯离开舞场,欢跳Tango一夜一夜…他的最早的音乐灵感直接扎根那些Tango大师的音乐性. , ChichoFrumboli, 曾经指导王萌很多.自生涯开始,曾经DJ许多国家和地区的许多Tango节,比如: 新加坡,美国-洛杉矶,波多黎各,蒙特利尔,多伦多,西雅图,温哥华,棕榈泉当然还有上海…


Julian Bai He:



Richard Lai(香港)



Ricardo Tan(中国)

作为北京的第一代探戈DJ代表人物。Ricardo 曾经见证了首都探戈圈的成长过程。14年回沪之后,他迅速成为了一名非常受欢迎的上海DJ。





Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号